We develop empowered, confident thinkers and doers

Who We Are

We guide children to develop the mindset and skills to prepare them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

 Implementing an enhanced core curriculum that includes modern education technology, a highly experiential learning environment and exposure to industry experts, we are creating tomorrow’s leaders.

Our Vision

We believe that through combining a safe and supportive environment with thoughtful guidance, deep and targeted practice, and essential failure… children will discover and develop their genius.
We aim to empower children to identify their greatness and become the leaders of the future.

The difference that makes the difference

Our Approach

Environment Is Key

We provide an environment for children to interact and problem-solve together while simultaneously learning to monitor and improve their own performance.

The Hero's Journey

Our students embrace their own unique hero's journey and learn how to navigate it independently. They struggle, they fail, they overcome. The result is empowered children!

Layered Learning

Our approach to learning is nonlinear. Each child thinks and processes information differently so we give them ample opportunities to learn about a topic from various angles and multiple dimensions.

Foundation First

Many methods of disruptive education dilute or lose core curricula altogether. Our approach recognizes and retains these foundational principles while promoting out-of-the-box exploration and emerging technologies.

Our Programs

Unleash Your Heroic Voice™ is a program that empowers children to find and own their voice.  In a world that is more and more online and behind text, the art of speaking, connecting and self expressing through voice, words and presence is more valuable than ever.

As leaders of tomorrow, we encourage our students to develop the skills that would help them in interviews, persuasive arguments, selling themselves (for college or a future job) and to create a live presentation that would become a valuable part of their homeschool portfolio.

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The Blog

Kinesthetic Learning Brings an Ancient Art Form into the 21st Century!

Check out this ring that one of our students made in her metalsmithing class for young entrepreneur jewelry makers! This class is the perfect artistic expression to compliment her ...

A Student Creatively Merges Work and Play

Dash learns coding to create his own video game – a nine year-old boy’s answer to combining work and play!