The children of Austin StartUp School joined Wilderness Awareness School’s founder Jon Young and 263 other multigenerational village members at Camp Navarro, CA for the 2016 Art of Mentoring course.
Nestled in the vast redwood forest of Mendocino county, this conscious regenerative community was cultivated using centuries-old coyote mentoring techniques, an artful way to inspire passion for deep nature connection through sensory awareness games and exercises, earth living and native scout skills, arts and crafts, and music and storytelling.
The week-long highly experiential program was designed with the mission to build a village in nature that recognizes and engages the gifts of all its members, including children and elders, and applies them in service to the people.
Deep compassion, empathy and gratitude for all was the intention.
Cultivating a keen sensory acuity, self-awareness and self-expression within the natural world was the agenda.
Laying a solid groundwork for creating unconscious pathways in children for building regenerative, thriving communities beyond the wilderness is the hopeful outcome.
And we’re behind it, 100%.
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