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The children of Austin StartUp School joined Wilderness Awareness School’s founder Jon Young and 263 other multigenerational village members at Camp Navarro, CA for the 2016 Art of Mentoring course. Nestled in the vast redwood forest of Mendocino county, this conscious regenerative community was cultivated using centuries-old coyote mentoring techniques, an artful way to inspire[…]

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Austin StartUp School is careful to select high-quality curricula..with portability! It is our intention to develop and influence young minds to expand their awareness and make connections with the modern world in which they live.  We are committed to freedom of exploration and providing the support to do so. Here, Vivian emerges from the Costa[…]

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The kids “wrap up” their Ancient Egypt studies with the completion of a chicken mummification project! Seven weeks of salting with an organic mixture similar to natron preceded oiling, scenting with spice and wrapping with “linen”. This chicken mummy is now ready for chicken spirit repossession!